Is The UK Economy Heading For Bankruptcy?

Asking whether bankruptcy is on the cards for a sovereign nation may seem a little extreme, but the economic portents are not good for the UK. Without getting too political, the British public has listened to Gordon Brown explain time and again how amazing he is with the economy. If you are from the UK, […]

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Gordon Brown Visits The European Parliament

Ok, so the fact that virtually every blog in the UK is now posting the following videos does not make them any less important. Without trying to get overtly political, there are obvious connections between stock markets, national economies, currency valuations and the policies of the government of the day. For years, Gordon Brown has […]

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How Risky Is The United Kingdom For Investors?

One of the maxims of investment is that, “Capital is scared”. It seems that capital is currently scared of being in the United Kingdom. The following story from The Independent suggests that money is leaving the UK at an incredible rate. If you watch currency markets, this is not a surprise. This could all simply […]

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