Gordon Brown Visits The European Parliament
Ok, so the fact that virtually every blog in the UK is now posting the following videos does not make them any less important.
Without trying to get overtly political, there are obvious connections between stock markets, national economies, currency valuations and the policies of the government of the day.
For years, Gordon Brown has been at the helm of the UK economy. He has told Parliament countless times what a safe pair of hands he is with the national economy. Well, times have changed and markets have stopped believing in him.
This week he visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg where he met some stern opposition to his view of the world. As you will see in the following videos, he found the whole experience to be rather amusing. What a shame that is for the rest of the British population.
The following video has been watched on YouTube now well over 1.5 million times. MEP Daniel Hannan tells Mr Brown what most of the population has been thinking for many months.