No ‘Green Shoots’ Of Recovery In A Desert
It seems that the ‘Green shoots’ of a financial recovery that the world has been prepared for by multiple hundreds of desparate politicians and economists has been dealt a severe blow.
All this time, we have been witnessing the economic miracle that is / was Dubai in awe and respect. But hey, it seems that they [...]
The Financial Cost Of Flooding
In my last post about water policy in the EU, I mentioned the potential for prohibitive costs to protect people and property from flooding.
CNN has today published a story about the likelyhood of seal-level flooding costing US$28 trillion by 2050.
This story is based on research for the insurance company Allianz - one place where the [...]
Another Financial Headache To Come?
Last week, your author attended the 5th Annual Conference of the European Water Association in Brussels in my role as part of the Brussels ‘media machine’.
It would be fair to say that European water policy and the related directives are rather “dry” topics, if you will excuse the pun.
There were a number of things that [...]
Just How Dangerous Is High-Frequency Trading?
In a story on the BBC today, Lord Myners, Minister in the Treasury (UK), warns that HFT (otherwise known as high-frequency trading) could put large corporations at the mercy of automated speculators.
He is probably right.
Much of the blame for the stock market drop in 1987 lies at the door of automated trading programs. At the [...]